適合於家中使用,裝置美國發明專利的電暈產生器和空氣幫浦。可殺死水中細菌,病毒,去除水中重金屬及農藥,自製森氧 (O3) 健康飲用水, 取代購買瓶裝水。氧化分解蔬菜、水果等之農藥、細菌,病毒,增加食物保鮮時間。 售價: 16,800元
Make ozonated drinking water at home that is better than bottled water and remove pesticides from fruits and vegetables. The XT-301V ozone generator is suitable for home use and is equipped with a corona generator and air pump patented by the United States. Ozone output is 800 mg per hour. It can kill bacteria and viruses in water, remove heavy metals and pesticides in water, and make your own healthy drinking water instead of buying bottled water. XT-301V oxidizes and removes pesticides, kills bacteria, and viruses in vegetables, fruits, etc., and increases food preservation time.