Xetin XT-28000V是一款專業的高功率高效能的森氧機,每小時產生40,000毫克大量臭氧,針對處理異味惡臭,殺死細菌,霉菌,病毒。使用於大賣場,娛樂場所,醫院,食品加工場,飯店及災害處理。適用於200坪大空間進行消毒,600坪大空間進行淨化空氣。
The Xetin XT series of ozone generators feature a patent method of creating ozone by corona discharge.
The XT-28000V is a professional high powered ozone generator designed for high ozone shock treatment in unoccupied areas to combat strong odors and killing mold spores, mildew, bacteria and viruses. They work great in larger basement, crawl spaces, dry cleaners, trash/dumpster rooms crime scene clean up, flood or fire restoration applications, HVAC system and warehouses.
Each XT-28000V comes in a heavy duty stainless steel case, making it a great choice for industrial and commercial uses. This unit will get the job done quickly.
They are designed for continuous or timed high ozone shock treatments. Ozone output is variable at 13,300 mg/hr, 16,600 mg/hr, or 40,000 mg/hr by pushing down the ozone selector buttons "A", "B" and "C " in any combination.
The internal countdown timer allows the unit to be run from 1 hour up to 24 hours. When the programmed time has expired, the machine will shut off automatically. If the user has set the timer on continuous mode, the machine will run nonstop until the power knob is turned to the OFF position. The XT-28000 is powerful enough to shock treat up to 520 square meters, to purify air up to 1,560 square meters.