Global Journal of Human Social Science, issued in 2013
Remediation of Pesticide-Polluted Water using Ozonation as a Safe Method
By Prof. Dr. Ahmed K. Salama & Khaled A Osman, Majmaah University, KSA.
Ozone Generator: Xetin XT-301
- Chlorpyrifos with 1 ppm, removal rate is 98.5%
- Chlorpyrifos with 2 ppm, removal rate is 96.1%
Journal of Insect Science, issued in 2015
Comparative Efficacy of CO2 and Ozone Gases Against Ephestia cautella ( Lepidoptera: Pyarlidae) Larvae Under Different Temperature
By M. Husain, Khawaja G. Rasool. College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University.
Ozone Generator: Xetin XT-6000S
Ozone concentration was set on 22ppm, Ephestia cautella mortality rate is 100%.
Journal of Food Science and Technology, issued in 2015
Production of date palm fruits free of acaricides residues by ozone technology as post-harvest treatment.
By Khaled A. Osman, Department of Pesticide Chemistry and Technology, Alexandria University, Egypt.
Ozone Generator: Xetin XT-301
By the end of the experiment more than 95% of the initial levels of the tested acaricides were removed.
International Journal of Food and Nutritional Science, issued in 2017
Ozone as a Safety Post-Harvest Treatment for Chlorpyrifos Removal from vegetable and its Effects on Vegetable Quality.
By Khaled, A. O1 , Fahad, B2, Abdullah A1.
- Department of Pesticide Chemistry and Technology, Alexandria University, Egypt.
- Department of Food and Drug Authority, Laboratory Dept. Dammam, King Abdul-Aziz Port, KSA, Sauid.
Ozone Generator: Xetin XT-301
The percentages of chlorpyrifos removal were time-dependent and ranged from 30-83%, 91-97%, 80-92%, 92-95%, 87-97%, 95-97%, 64-100% and 90-97% for bell pepper, tomato, cucumber, carrot, arugula, parsley, cabbage and leek.